Moroccan caftan

Celebrities Wearing Moroccan Caftan and Takchita
Moroccan Caftan and Takchita are now in the peak of their glory. Celebrities all over the World are rushing to wear Moroccan Kaftans in big events.
Nobody in the Moroccan Kaftan business expected this boom in celebrity circles, and to be honest I didn’t expect it either.
According to numerous stylists and designers Moroccan caftan and Takchita made their breakthrough thanks to the biggest Haute Couture brands that introduced Moroccan Caftan and Takchita to mainstream media.
However, we shouldn’t be ungrateful, Moroccan emigrants (estimated to be 4.5 million across the World) deserve some credits for their efforts in carrying their culture with them proudly wherever they go in the World.
The caftan, or kaftan, is the traditional dress of Moroccan women. In the era of the Sultans, the caftan was worn by both men and women.When the caftan came to Morocco from Turkey, it became primarily an article of women’s clothing.
Old Turkish Caftan
Caftan is loose-fitting, but is usually more elaborate than other Moroccan traditional garments like the jalabia, because it is worn more often for special occasions.It is a long dress in the style of a robe. Caftans are made of either cotton or silk. They are ankle-length and can be fastened up the front with buttons. A sash around the waist completes the outfit. Some caftans are designed with elaborate colors and patterns, and other styles are much simpler.
The traditional wedding dress in Morocco is caftan,although some women prefer Western wedding dresses to be more modern.Caftans designed for weddings can be very elaborate, with brightly embroidered floral patterns in a variety of colors, including green, red, dark brown and white. The sleeves are full and very wide.

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