Located 30 km from Asilah in the small village of Mzoura, El Utad is a stone circlebelieved to be constructed around 3000 BC. The monument consists of 167 standing stones, most of which are about 1.5 meters tall except the main point (El Utad), which is 6 meters above ground and a further 6 meters below ground.
There are many stories about the circle’s origins. Some people suggest that the monument was the grave of a Mauritian king, whilst other legends claim that it is the tomb of the mythical giant Anthe.
When you arrive at the site you will be met by the site’s guardian. He will happily guide you around the circle. He only speaks limited French and Spanish, therefore, it is recommended that you take a guide or translator with you. A small tip for his services is appropriate.
To get to Mzoura leave Asilah south along the N1. After 12 km take the 3rd exit in the direction of Sidi el Yamani. After another 12 km turn left onto the road to Mzoura. There is a small sign indicating the site. Upon arriving in Mzoura you will see the stones surrounded by a wall.
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