Elysium Finishing School

A Paradise for your loved ones to learn the essence of propriety etiquette and manners

Nyulla interview | Nyulla Safi

After connecting Gulf countries to Brisbane, United Arab Emirates' leading carrier "Emirates Airlines" starts to offer no-stop direct flights from the Middle East region to Perth on Boeing 777 aircraft operating each Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, with return flights on the same days. Australia is now just an eleven hour flight away from the Middle East in general, and the Gulf countries in particular!

Brisbane and Perth can be used as a stand alone destination with plenty to do and see for all the family, or an ideal entry point to explore the rest of Australia.

But Alissa has something else to tell us about this beautiful city, Brisbane, saying that: "While in Brisbane with your family, you will find the most interesting attractions, pleasure and entertainment combined with a very interesting short term course on etiquette for your loved ones."

She continued: "Your visit there with your family will start with various attractions that Brisbane offers, to short term learning of etiquette and International Hospitality for all young women and relatives in your group."

"A course that will start in Brisbane and will never finish in your life and in your daily relations, whether among your family, your guests, your corporate or during your social events."

A course that will give "class" to all your public relations and can improve the standard of your family, your social status and your business.

Alissa added that: "Elysium Finishing School knows very well how to “make the discerning difference" in the personal, family and working lives of our young women. Elysium achieves this objective by offering a wide range of intensive subjects ... many of them multi-disciplinary with personalized opportunities for mastering both theory and vital “real world” situations."

"After Elysium Finishing School short courses starting from 2 to 8 weeks, your "loved one" fiancĂ©e, wife, sister, or daughter will be able to strengthen her self-confidence and self esteem, thereby enhance her complete personality, to understand and appreciate the values of discipline and tolerance and to receive qualitative spiritual enrichment, to embrace the essence of propriety etiquette and manners, protocol and study the “Art of Western Hospitality” and to recognize the responsibilities of global social and environmental issues."

Last but not least, Alissa concluded: "Join me now, it is worth paying a visit, even a virtual one, to Elysium finishing School.